Youth Group: Meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month 6-8pm
Adult Confirmation: Classes taught on an as needed basis.
Lutheranism 101: What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian, dealing with life issues from a Lutheran perspective.
Evangelism / Apologetics classes focus on how to defend the faith to non-believers.
In the Community
We are always looking for new ways to impact the community.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League:
All women are welcome, we serve the Church in many ways, such as our quilting, supporting seminarians, the local food bank and many others.
St Matthew Food Pantry:
There are hundreds of individuals and families who need food every day. We provide for these people with collections, drives and individual support.
Matthew 25 Fund:
This fund is collected by the donations of the members and visitors of our church. The funds gathered will be used to help people in our community at the pastors discretion. A full log and report is given to the Elders on any funds used by the pastor during their regular meetings.